Photo of the Day: Red Rock Canyon at Sunset

Red Rock Canyon, Nevada

Yes the rocks are really this reddish orange. I wish the sky was better on this particular evening but sometimes you get what you get and then have to add something in post processing. I didn't do much to the sky here but I did add a hue saturation layer in Photoshop and masked in a little more color.

Also I ran it through Nik Software's Viveza, a great plugin that my friend Scott Kublin recommended. It lets you pick a targeted area and really play with the structure, brightness, contrast, saturation. I tweaked the structure a tad bit and also played with the contrast.

I used my Sony NEX-7 on a pretty terrible tripod. I did a series of 3 bracketed photos. Boy have I learned a lot since I took this photo in early January. 

by Clayton Morris