
Polaroid launches Android based cameras

I'm out here at CES 2013 and anxious to see all the consumer camera announcements. First up: Polaroid with some Android based cameras. I've played with other Android cameras before and I haven't been impressed. I'm not sure I need a browser on my camera. But these new Polaroids are interesting. It's nicely called the iM1836. It just rolls off the tongue doesn't it?

It has an 18.1-megapixel, 1080p video-capable mirrorless body with Android 4.1. One of the nice features lets you share images over WiFi and with other devices through Bluetooth, a nice feature which will let you edit photos on a tablet while on the go. 

The biggest wow for me is the price: $399, with a 10-30mm lens included. Take that Nikon!


Using the iPhone 5 Camera

his weekend we took our annual Fall apple picking trip to a local farm. I took a handful of pictures with my brand new iPhone 5.

he first thing I noticed is how much faster the camera loads during those impromptu moments  when my son is climbing on something. Apple says it opens 40% faster. I didn't have my abacus with me for calculations but I can say there's almost no lag in launching the app.

The second thing I noticed was color vibrance. This camera definitely has a richer color cast and everything looked more vibrant without looking overly saturated.

Here's an unprocessed gallery.

Photo Basics with Trey Ratcliff part. 1

Here's part one of my photo basics segment with Trey Ratcliff I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

Join Trey Ratcliff as he shows Clayton Morris the basics of getting started with photography. In this first part, Trey talks about the fundamentals of composition and camera gear.

What camera to buy?

To start on this journey I need to get a decent camera. I don't want to spend an arm and a leg on something that is going to be obsolete in a few years. I think of it as an investment and no one wants to have their investment go belly up in a few years.

e're at an interesting moment in camera history because those large DSLR's might not be long for this world. With the move towards mirror-less cameras we are starting to see lighter/smaller devices with incredible range.

o should I invest in a Nikon D800 that might be obsolete in a few years? It's not just the camera I'd be spending money on but it's the many expensive lenses too. Or should I take the plunge on a smaller mirror-less camera like the Sony NEX 7? I'm leaning toward the Sony.