Very often during sunrise photography I leave the ISO at a flat 100 because I'm using a tripod. I generally try to keep it set to 100 in most situations. The higher the ISO the more noise you'll get on your photos. If you want a nice beginner e-book on improving your photos check out Trey Ratcliff's '10 Principal's of Beautiful Photography'.
Shutter Speed
This is a setting I didn't even know existed until I had to tackle photographing a kids birthday party. You can read that full post here. The bottom line is that you need to switch to Manual mode to take advanatage of shutter speed. You can do it other ways but Manual mode gives you total control.
Try to remember that shutter speeds double with every crank of the wheel. So you’ll usually have the options for the following shutter speeds – 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8 etc. The idea of ‘doubling’ is useful because you're basically doubling the amount of light you let in each time you increase the shutter speed. So when you up the shutter speed you'll want to drop the f-stop to compensate for the new night.
To grab fast moving objects you'll want a faster shutter speed. This is definitely true when you're shooting kids, sports. etc.
In a nutshell, the Aperture controls the size of the opening for the digital sensor and it's more commonly called f-stop. The more open, the more light comes in. Aperture use controls the focus on the subject and background. A good rule of thumb to use is the lower the Aperture setting, the crisper the focal point will be but the less in focus the background will be. So f/2.8 will get a nice portrait with a blurry background. The opposite also holds true; the smaller the opening, the crisper the background becomes.
One simple tool to remember f-stop is to think about this: f/2.8 will probably only let you focus on 2 people while f22 will let you focus on 22 people. So imagine a large group shot of 22 people. It's a stupid little memory tool that helps me. I also learned a really dirty way of remembering this but there's no way I'll tell you unless I meet you for beers someday.
In many cameras, the F-stop are the same as Aperture, while in other DSLR cameras there is a dedicated F-Stop setting. F-Stop helps control the amount of light as well as the focal point in the camera. F-Stop, when used with the ISO, makes for tremendous range and artistic expression. As a good rule, especially with the DSLR cameras, adjust the F-stop in half-step increments and look at the photo taken to see the focus differences on the subject. When the desired setting is achieved, snap away and becomes the next Ansel Adams!