new zealand

Photo of the Day: Sunset at Bendemeer Estates

This was really one of those magical sunsets in New Zealand. This grass had an amazing color of orange that I was trying to capture here without going overboard. The sun hit the grass and it almost looked like it was on fire. This sunset lasted forever and the light changed every few minutes to something different and remarkable. 

Photo of the Day: A Path Through Glenorchy, New Zealand

We walked along this path in Glenorchy, New Zealand the other night when there was barely any light left. One false move and you were off in the swamp. There was a breathtaking tranquility about this place. 

I initially thought this would be an HDR situation so I shot just three bracketed photos: -1, 0, and +1 exposures. But when I got back to processing it wasn't very good or interesting. In fact it was downright bad. This whole walk had a black and white feeling to me with this zen-like pathway.



Glenorchy, New Zealand

Photo of the Day: Sunrise over Lake Wakatipu

This is the first sunrise I got to witness in New Zealand. It happened while on my photo adventure with Trey. As I began to look at the 3,500 photos I took in Kiwi land I noticed something interesting, a marked improvement of my skills over the long week. Initially I shot this with HDR in mind but I ended up processing just a single RAW file because it just felt right. I'm learning to better trust my instincts. 

Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand
Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand